Elementary School
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Pillars of Student Success
Work Readiness
Financial Literacy
JA Introduction to Business and Technology 2, part of the
JA High School Experience courses, is a one-semester teacher-led course that introduces high school students to the basic skills necessary to succeed in business. Themes include personal skills like innovation, management functions, and accounting. Students also learn basic technical skills like how to use word processing, presentation software, and spreadsheets effectively. Volunteers engage with students through a variety of activities that includes subject matter guest speaking and coaching or advising for case study and project course work.
This course has received California A-G approval from High School Articulation, Office of Undergraduate Admissions, University of California.
JA Introduction to Business and Technology 2 is part of the JA Work and Career Readiness Pathway and is recommended for high school students (grades 9-12)
This course is a blended model that includes teacher-led content, volunteer-led opportunities, and self-guided content to support flexible implementation options. JA Introduction to Business and Technology 2 is available in classroom-based or remote live implementation. Robust support materials are available for teachers, including a pacing guide for semester-long implementation. Your local JA area may have the opportunity to support interested districts that have formed a relationship with post-secondary institutions to facilitate dual credit.
As part of this course, JA teachers and volunteers are encouraged to use the resources available in JA Connect™ Learning Pathways, located at connect.ja.org. This self-guided experience includes interactives, JA Digital Career Book™, and games and apps for student use.
JA programs support national and state standards in reading, mathematics, social studies, and work and career readiness. See below for more information on alignment with national and state standards.
JA Introduction to Business and Technology 2 is a one-semester teacher-led course that introduces high school students to the basic skills necessary to succeed in business. Themes include personal skills like innovation, management functions, and accounting. Students also learn basic technical skills like how to use word processing, presentation software, and spreadsheets effectively. Volunteers engage with students through a variety of activities that includes subject matter guest speaking and coaching or advising for case study and project course work.
Students will:
Accounting, Accounting cycle, Accounting software, Analytics, Annual reports, Balance sheets, Cash flow, Customer analysis, Debits and credits, Development of a product or service, Digital marketing, Double entry accounting, Finance, Financial reporting, Financial statements, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Consistency, Income statements, Information organization, Ideation evaluation, Innovation, Interpersonal skills, Leadership plan, Leadership styles, Leadership traits, Marketing, Market analysis, Market research, Management skills, Objectives, Organization charts, Performance standards, Planning, Product, Product placement, Pricing, Profitability, SMART goals, Skepticism, Situational leadership, Surveys, Target market, The control process, The marketing mix, The 4 Ps, The finance cycle, The Ideation process, The accounting equation
Analyze calculations, Analyze information, Analyze results, Analyze situations, Brainstorm ideas, Calculate accounting records, Compare traits, Complete a survey, Complete research, Consider a problem, Defend an opinion, Designate tasks, Develop objectives, Discuss in groups, Draw conclusions, Evaluate ideas, Evaluate information, Evaluate leadership traits, Gather information from potential customers, Identify a need, Make connections, Present information, Propose a solution, Record business transactions, Research information, Review case studies, Review information, Review innovations, Self-evaluate, Set SMART goals, Solve problems, Think creativity, Think critically, Vet ideas, Work in groups, Write and conduct a survey
1.1 Types of Innovation
Students explore the history of innovation in society and technology. They also learn about the difference between modification and innovation and think about key principles of how innovation takes place.
Students will:
1.2 Identifying Needs
Students learn about the ways entrepreneurs innovate to fill market needs, often bringing their own passion and experience to bear to solve a problem or enhance lives.
Students will:
1.3 Ideation
Students explore the concept of ideation. They will learn about key principles of ideation, learn how to come up with and evaluate ideas through the ideation process, and practice applying ideation to a real-world scenario.
Students will:
1.4 Research Your Idea
Students learn how and why to conduct surveys to test ideas for new products and services.
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2.1 Planning
Students learn about the planning function of management: the setting of objectives, determining a course of action to accomplish those objectives, and the importance of critical thinking and SMART decision making.
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2.2 Organizing
Students learn about the organizing function of management and how to use a process to identify, classify, and assign activities. They learn how to use an organizational chart to outline roles and responsibilities. Students apply the organizing process to a real-life situation.
Students will:
2.3 Leading
Students learn about the leading function of management and how effective leading requires managers to motivate their employees to contribute toward the goals of the organization.
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2.4 Controlling
Students learn about the controlling function of management and how to use a process to establish objectives and monitor performance. They learn about different types of controls that managers can use to prevent and correct problems.
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3.1 Marketing Concept and Functions
Students learn the seven functions of marketing and their purpose of satisfying customer needs and wants while generating sales and profits for a company.
Students will:
3.2 Consumer Behavior
Students learn how marketers identify a target market and research the characteristics of that group. They learn about the four factors that affect consumer behavior and develop a marketing message to address the relevant factors for a given product.
Students will:
3.3 Introduction to the Marketing Mix
Students learn about the marketing strategies known as the marketing mix and how businesses use the Four Ps (product, place, price, and promotion) when deciding how to bring a product or service to the market.
Students will:
3.4 Marketing Data
Students learn how companies acquire valuable data from surveys and interviews, sales figures, and click-through rates on interactive ads. They analyze data and use it to make a variety of marketing decisions for a company.
Students will:
4.1 Accounting Basics
Students learn about the importance of accounting and examine three types ofaccounting: financial, forensic, and project. Students learn what assets, liabilities, and equity are and use the accounting equation.
Students will:
4.2 Accounting Cycle
Students learn how accounting events are recorded and processed during an accounting cycle. They learn how transactions are recorded twice in double-entry accounting to keep the accounting equation in balance.
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4.3 Accounting Principles
Students learn about the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) that guide accounting activity and financial reporting. They evaluate a company's performance based on a financial statement. Students also practice using the double-entry method of bookkeeping to create a balance sheet.
Students will:
4.4 Financial Statements
Students learn about the information that financial statements provide about the activities of a company and the risks it faces and how this information helps owners and investors make better decisions. They practice creating a balance sheet for business.
Students will:
Students learn the difference between responsibility and accountability for individuals and for businesses. Students examine a scenario in which a business looks for ways to engage employees in its goal of helping the community. Students use a goal cascading matrix to establish goals for workgroups and individuals within the business to help employees see and understand the larger goals and their role in accomplishing them.