

Key Donors are Vital to our Success

Our work would not be possible without the generous support of the business community. These future-focused and community-minded companies and organizations are bringing JA learning experiences to thousands of young people across the South Texas.

JA is grateful for our community’s investment in helping us prepare, transform, inspire, and empower our young people to succeed.


MacKenzie Scott



Capital Gropu American Funds

Craig Boyan

The Malú & Carlos

Alvarez Family

The Guadalupe and Lilia Martinez Foundation

Capital Gropu American Funds


Bank of America

Brenda Berry

Centerpoint Energy
D.D. Hachar Charitable Trust
Flint Hills Resources

Greg King

Jean Cheever

Joeris General Contractors
JPMorgan Chase
Laredo Area Community Foundation

Matias De Llano Charitable Trust

Mays Family Foundation

Myra Stafford Pryor Charitable Trust

Noble Texas Builders
Pape-Dawson Engineers
Stronghold Companies
Taco Bell Foundation
Texas Capital Bank

The Barron Charitable Foundation

Universal Plant Services


A-1 Collision Super Center

AEP Texas Central Company

Aleman Agency, LLC

American Electric Power Foundation

Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust

Analytic Stress

Auto Nation

B & E Resources

B.P. Newman Investment Co.

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Bastion Security Group

Bayside Pulmonology

Beecroft Construction

Blanche Davis Moore Foundation

Carla Wright

Cavender Auto Family

Charles Cheever

Chris Cheever

Circle 8 Crane Service

Coastal Bend Community Foundation

Coca-Cola North America

Conceptual Minds Inc.

Corpus Christi Electric

Dan and Ruth Bates

David McGee

David Spencer

David T. Newman

Davidson Capital Management

Dawson Recycling

Dehumidification Technologies LP

Domino's Pizza

Down Time - South Texas, LLC

Edward Kelley

Elaine Mendoza

Enterprise Mobility

Ernst & Young LLP

Erwin Lessel

Falcon International Bank

Fay L. and William L. Cowden Charitable Foundation

First United Bank and Trust

Flatiron/Dragados, LLC

Fleet Feet Sports


Frank A. Bennack

Frost Bank

Hancock Whitney

Infinity Commercial & Industrial Concrete, LLC

J. Cruz & Associates, LLC

Jackson Walker LLP

Janie Cook

Jayne Woodall

Jefferson Bank

Jett Bowl North

Jll Corporate Services

Joe Christian

John Chapman

John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation

JP Limbaugh

Junior Achievement of Laredo

Junior Achievement of the Coastal Bend

Katherine Tapley

Kenedy Memorial Foundation

Kocurek Land Improvement, Inc.


Kraus Development

Laredo Gateway Rotary Club

Laredo Morning Times

Legamaro Financial Services

Lonesome Coyote Ranch LLC

Lula Morales Realty, Inc,

Marco's Pizza

Mario Vazquez

Mark L. West

Marsh McLennan Agency

Mary Stork

MidFirst Bank

MMR Constructors

Moffitt Fuel Services

Molex mPACT2WO

Moody Price

Nick Scott

Norton Rose Fulbright

Onyx Engineering, Inc.

Paul C. Hensley

Performance Contracting, Inc.

PK Companies

PK Industrial

Plains Capital Bank

Powell Watson Auto Group

Prosperity Bank

Pro-Surve Technical Services, LLC


Rally Credit Union

Randolph Brooks FCU


Richard Lange

Rio Grande E&P

Robert Williamson


Sam's Club

San Antonio Junior Forum

Select Dedicated Solutions

Select Safety Services

Silver Eagle Beverages

SPURS Sports & Entertainment

SR Trident

Stacy Gutierrez

Taylor Dawson

Texas Partners Bank

The Impetus Foundation

Third Coast Bank


Turner Industries

United Rentals

V.H. McNutt Memorial Foundation

Vacuum Truck Rentals

Vapor Point

Veltri Steel


Veronica Avila



Junior Achievement of South Texas does not share or sell a donor's personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations. If donors would like their gift to remain anonymous, they must state their wishes in writing upon receipt of gift.

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