All cash donations are eligible for a full tax exemption. You can donate to our general program fund, sponsor an event or make a donation to one of our special event participants.
Most of our workforce is comprised of volunteers. If you have a few free hours that you can dedicate to others, or a skill that can be shared, we will be happy to channel it in the right direction.
JA offers financial literacy programs free of cost to teachers. This is achieved primarily through our special events. We have casual events if you are comfortable at a bowling alley to fancy event like our black-tie awards dinner.
Whether schools in our community are holding classes in-person, remotely, or through some combination, Junior Achievement is ready to continue to support our educators with high quality program resources and curriculum.
Junior Achievement is providing free online resources to parents. We are doing this so our kids can spend more time planning for and dreaming about tomorrow, and less time worrying about today. We are committed to doing this until we can all be certain again.