| JA Marketing Principles 2

A JA High School Experience Course

Elementary School

Middle School

High School


  • Classroom Based
  • Virtual

Pillars of Student Success

Work Readiness


Financial Literacy

JA Marketing Principles 2, part of the JA High School Experience courses, is a one-semester, teacher-led course in which high school students learn about marketing in the world around them and potential careers in the field. Volunteers engage with students through a variety of activities that may include subject- matter guest speaking, coaching, or advising for case study and project course work.

This course has received California A-G approval from High School Articulation, Office of Undergraduate Admissions, University of California.

Following participation in the learning experience, students will be able to:
  • Learn the necessary concepts applicable to state and national educational standards.
  • Apply these standards-based concepts to the real world.
  • Synthesize elective concepts through cumulative, tangible deliverables (projects).
  • Analyze a business situation or principle through the use of a case study.
  • Demonstrate the skills necessary for future career pathway success.

JA Marketing Principles 2 is part of the JA Work and Career Readiness Pathway and is recommended for high school students (grades 9-12)

The course is a blended model that includes teacher-led content, volunteer-led opportunities, and self-guided content to support flexible implementation options. JA Marketing Principles 2 is available in classroom- based or remote live implementation. Robust support materials are available for teachers, including a pacing guide for semester-long implementation. . Your local JA area may have the opportunity to support interested districts that have formed a relationship with post-secondary institutions to facilitate dual credit.

As part of this course, JA teachers and volunteers are encouraged to use the resources available in JA Connect™ Learning Pathways, located at connect.ja.org. This self-guided experience includes interactives, JA Digital Career Book™, and games and apps for student use.

JA programs support national and state standards in reading, mathematics, social studies, and work and career readiness. See below for more information on alignment with national and state standards.

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