Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Pillars of Student Success
Financial literacy
Work Readiness
JA Launch Lesson is a point-of-entry program delivered by community entrepreneurs. Students gain firsthand knowledge about starting a business and the entrepreneurial journey.
JA Launch Lesson
is part of the JA Entrepreneurship Pathway and is recommended for high school students. It is available in classroom based, remote live, or afterschool implementation.
Materials are downloadable and include a detailed session guide for the entrepreneur and educator.
JA Launch Lesson is composed of one session delivered by the volunteer (entrepreneur).
JA teachers and volunteers are encouraged, as part of this program, to utilize the resources available in JA Connect™ Learning Pathways, located at connect.ja.org. This self-guided experience includes interactives, JA Digital Career Book, and games and apps for student use.
JA programs support national and state standards in reading, mathematics, social studies, and work and career readiness. See below for more information on alignment with national and state standards.
National Entrepreneurship Month, which occurs every November, is a time to honor and celebrate entrepreneurs all over the country. The JA Launch Lesson initiative, sponsored by Ernst & Young LLP, scheduled to coincide with National Entrepreneurship Month, will put entrepreneurs into high school classrooms across America during the month to share what inspired them to start their own businesses and to open students' eyes to the opportunities provided by entrepreneurship.
JA knows that now, more than ever, young people need to learn what it takes to be successful in the business world so they can launch businesses and contribute to our global economy.
This brief video provides JA Launch Lesson volunteers with an overview and tips about the JA Launch Lesson experience they will lead.
This brief video can be used by teachers or volunteers to introduce students to what they will experience during JA Launch Lesson.